Friday 10 October 2008

Raise Your Pointy Stick's In The Air In Triumph!

For it's the October break! =D

I feel this year has flown in, it only seems like yesterday I was having my passport picture taken with the goofiest expression imaginable etched across my face for now it is only 4 weeks and 3 days until I go to Paris.

I know what your thinking and yes, me and my cousin did decide to count the days during French, also graffiting my school planner in the process, for example... A spider eating a plane and a stamp across the page saying 'oidut' what ever that means.

My cousin asked me where would we like to go when we have free time in France, I looked at him, pondering for a moment before replying;

"Meet the hunchback of Notre Dame..."

I don't know what it is but the last day before a holiday, everyone seems dafter than usual...well, me of course being one, but my other mates are too. I attempted to jump over the lake which blocks our route to the Snack Bar. I failed, miserably, but also discovered that 3 of us had pink and black stripey socks on today.

I've also ended up creating a new name for myself....

Zonkwig von Stoeggen

Don't ask....

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