Friday 17 October 2008

C'mere So I can Infect You....

Actually, that song 'Down With The Sickness' by Disturbed comes in mind when I say that.

No, I'm not a flesh eating zombie -though, it would be rather cool- but I have the plague, again!

Secretly I think these germs floating around the air like me because I've had non stop colds for the best part of 2 months....I may have learned to live with it but now I'm sick of it! I'm warning you Mr Man Flu.... you better not rear your ugly head the day before I go to France or I will kill you...

How am I supposed to do my Maths and Physics homework today as well if I'm constantly blowing my brains out by sneezing? Maybe if I just hand in a bit of paper with some brain splattered across the page they might recognize that I did attempt it.

It's not helped by the fact that I had the most ludicrous dream last night... Very disturbing...

Not the fact that our plane had to do an emergency landing and I could feel the terror in my dream, but the fact that my French teacher called me 'baby'


I think it's time for me to crawl under my bed covers and surface just before Ugly Betty starts..

Damn cold.

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