Wednesday 22 October 2008

I Think I Need A Cup Of Tea.

I am utterly shattered!

Every single day this week I have worked non stop just to keep up to date with the classwork and homework I've been given. I've spent a lot of time doing little quirky things for the school; the charity committee, organising the Talent Show this year, designing posters, looking after younger pupils in the school, baking cakes to sell, fundraising for the school trip, organising the Christmas concert as well as taking part in rehearsals. But do I get any recognition for it?


I am still unwell but I always manage to summon up the strength to crawl out of bed and head to school, even though the past few nights has required me to stay up until 12 o'clock doing parts of homework.

So now I'm just fed up.

I want to leave school, I want to get as far away from school as possible. I don't care about what my mates think about me wanting to leave but do they have the same amount of stress put on them as me this year? No.

I'm becoming more and more unlike myself. I'm no longer the happy go lucky type of person who plans to chase bubbles and jump over puddles. I no longer think of daft things to say or be able to have a laugh over the silliest of things.

I've grown up.

Friday 17 October 2008

C'mere So I can Infect You....

Actually, that song 'Down With The Sickness' by Disturbed comes in mind when I say that.

No, I'm not a flesh eating zombie -though, it would be rather cool- but I have the plague, again!

Secretly I think these germs floating around the air like me because I've had non stop colds for the best part of 2 months....I may have learned to live with it but now I'm sick of it! I'm warning you Mr Man Flu.... you better not rear your ugly head the day before I go to France or I will kill you...

How am I supposed to do my Maths and Physics homework today as well if I'm constantly blowing my brains out by sneezing? Maybe if I just hand in a bit of paper with some brain splattered across the page they might recognize that I did attempt it.

It's not helped by the fact that I had the most ludicrous dream last night... Very disturbing...

Not the fact that our plane had to do an emergency landing and I could feel the terror in my dream, but the fact that my French teacher called me 'baby'


I think it's time for me to crawl under my bed covers and surface just before Ugly Betty starts..

Damn cold.

Thursday 16 October 2008

I Hate Days Like This.

When I can't think of one single thing to write...

It's not the same as writer's block, is it? I don't know, can't be bothered to figure it out if I'm honest. Maybe it's because of my sleep deprivation, or that I have a cough like a mad coo. Or it could be because I've forked out £68 for a bottle of Prada perfume for my mum.

68 Quid! Bloomin' hell I nearly passed out at the price. I'm tellin' you, it better have been made with the utmost care by the Woodland Faeries of Stigtopia. Or be the blood from the heart of a Dragon deep within the earths core...

Actually...I think I have sniffed something, I think I am high..

*high on love!...*

Shu'p voice!, Just ignore him...he's called Bob, but he's a pain.

I think I best leave now before you think I'm a complete psychopath..

Hold on a minute....I've just created a blog!

Monday 13 October 2008

Show Me Those Devil Horns.

My favourite quote of the night from David Draiman, the lead singer of Disturbed.

It got me wondering though, what makes a concert so enjoyable? Is it the music? or is it the fact that it's one of those nights where you can let your hair down and be wild -or in my case, dancing with the pensioner standing next to me at the Neil Diamond concert but I'm not going to get into that-

An odd thing I've discovered with concerts is that even if the music sounds rubbish on the radio or CD. When you go to a concert, they sound absolutely bloomin' brilliant!

So I've came to a conclusion and it's this;

The thing which makes a concert so good isn't the music, or how good looking the band members are. It's the atmosphere.

If everyone round about you is screaming there heads off, drinking like there's no tomorrow and singing their hearts out, doesn't it make you feel good to be part of it all?

For example, at Disturbed, just under a thousand people simultaneously punched the air in time to the music, and it was great! The feelings amazing, it makes me extremely happy to be part of it all.

I wish everyday was a Disturbed day...

How Hard Can Can It Be?

To find blinds which will actually fit my window?

Me and Carli have raised our pointy sticks in the air to defeat the nuisance which is the blind. They have it in for us humans and given a chance they will try and thwart us in our everyday actions.

They tried to defeat me this morning by collapsing from their fittings, letting the sun shine bright into my bedroom. The witty blinds know that sleep deprivation is the one thing that can defeat me, they know this because the blinds have ears....but not where you'd expect them to be.

So this morning off we pottered to buy new, better blinds. Ones which would stand up against the evilness of the others, ones which would be faithful to me.

We put them up only to discover they where 2 inches too short.

Gah! betrayed by the blinds, yet again, they are certainly evil beings.

I'm afraid I only have one option in store for the blinds

*pulls out lighter*

Bye bye blinds...

Sunday 12 October 2008

Stiggy...The Protector of Worlds

Or just my bedroom?

Yet again you may be wondering what I've sniffed this evening but the simple fact of the matter is this.

Me and Boredom is not a good combination.

As you may or may not know, I'm a huge fan of Top Gear -a car program- and a certain Tame Racing Driver, known as The Stig, seems to....captivate me.

My friends seem to tease me about my (un)healthy fascination with him and like to draw random pictures of incidents involving The Stig on my Maths jotter. For Example...

Jesus kicking The Stig in the nuts, Richard Hammond driving the rocket car into Stig, The Stig on fire...

obviously these pictures are rather tasteless but I couldn't help but laugh at the picture of The Stig's head decapitated with an arrow sticking through his visor and my ex who sits next to me saying:

"It looks like a chicken drumstick.."


Anyway, last night I took the liberty of giving up 3 hours of my life to draw a 6ft Stig which now lives in my room. It may look creepy but heck, at least it keeps me happy!

Friday 10 October 2008

Raise Your Pointy Stick's In The Air In Triumph!

For it's the October break! =D

I feel this year has flown in, it only seems like yesterday I was having my passport picture taken with the goofiest expression imaginable etched across my face for now it is only 4 weeks and 3 days until I go to Paris.

I know what your thinking and yes, me and my cousin did decide to count the days during French, also graffiting my school planner in the process, for example... A spider eating a plane and a stamp across the page saying 'oidut' what ever that means.

My cousin asked me where would we like to go when we have free time in France, I looked at him, pondering for a moment before replying;

"Meet the hunchback of Notre Dame..."

I don't know what it is but the last day before a holiday, everyone seems dafter than usual...well, me of course being one, but my other mates are too. I attempted to jump over the lake which blocks our route to the Snack Bar. I failed, miserably, but also discovered that 3 of us had pink and black stripey socks on today.

I've also ended up creating a new name for myself....

Zonkwig von Stoeggen

Don't ask....

Thursday 9 October 2008

Can Anyone Else See The Pink Flying Elephant?

Or is it just me after sniffing pens in Maths? =)

You would expect that being a member of the senior school, I would be mature, level-headed, and set an example for the younger students to follow.....nah.....I'd rather them watch me trying to fly over a puddle or running around the Tesco car park trying to catch bubbles with my tongue...

Supposedly your school days are the best days of your life and only recently I have realized that this statement is almost true! I love my friends, I love being at school, we're all as daft as each other which is brilliant. Our actions round each other is seen as normal, yet if you where to meet us, a look of sheer disgust and amusement would creep over your face as you slowly back away from the zoo which is the children of the Academy

Next month I'm going to France with my French class for a day, all I can say is, citizen's of Paris...battle stations for the crazy Glaswegians have arrived with one drunken teacher and the other locked in a cage somewhere being prodded with a large stick by the headmaster and his wig attached to the end. Literally.

That's the thing which is great about school, you can gibber one load of cabbage and at the end you and your friends feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders by having a worthy and intellectual conversation or it can just repeatedly splutter random nonsense and come to a conclusion of:

"A wee hirrahoot..."

I love being at school, it's the best.