Friday 30 December 2011

Lock Up Your Daughters

As promised here is my opinion of last nights concert at the Cathouse in Glasgow.

First of all I shall start off with the venue. PersonallyI love the Cathouse, it has a relatively small stage but the performers can make do with it. The floor space is pretty good too with the option of a 'balcony' (2 steps leading off from the dance floor) and some leather seats. The interior of the cathouse is very... Black with chains hanging from various banners and metal cages enclosing some of the seating area. Think torched chamber style and you're in. But I still love the Cathouse due to all these things, and no, it's nothing to do with the fact that I have met the owner of the Cathouse twice and in both occasions he nearly crushed me to death with a bear hug.

The band in question was AB/CD who are an AC/DC tribute act, specifically a Bon Scott tribute act who tragically died in 1980 (R.I.P Bon). What was unusual this time however was that the band brought along a support act which I have never seen them do before. I know the singer is getting on a bit and this could possibly be the reason why to spare his voice, and his dodgy hip.

The support act was called Stuntman Mike and I don't usually like support acts but was pleasantly surprised. To me, they sounded just a step below how System of a Down sound. The instruments and music sounded quite heavy but when the singer started singing he sounded more like the guy from My Chemical Romance. I think they are promising and best of all, they're Scottish :D

But now for the main event, AB/CD. A usual the guys were on top form, however I thought that during one of the songs, it may have been Riff Raff the drummers beat started to get a little quicker than it should have but a quick glare from Angus sorted that out.

What I would say about this band though is they are a strictly Bon Scott tribute therefore they only play Bon Scott songs much to the disappointment of one fan in the audience who requested Thunderstruck which is a Brian Johnson song. Things you can expect to hear at this concert are songs such as Livewire, Riff Raff, Downpayment Blues, He'll Ain't a Bad Place To Be, Highway to Hell, Whole Lotta Rosie, It's a Long Way To The Top If You Wanna Rock And Roll, Let There Be Rock and Ride On.

More songs than that were played last night but I cant quite remember them.

Overall, I would certainly recommend paying them a visit next year at the Cathouse in Glasgow. The music is excellent and the singer certainly brings Bon Scott back to life once again.

Thursday 29 December 2011

Fancy Meeting You Here

I must admit, I'm as surprised as you are that I'm on this blog again only a few days after my last post.

It's probably because I havent had a good drink since last Tuesday but that will all change on Hogmany on Saturday. God, I sound like an actual alcoholic.

But I thought I might put a wee suggestion out there to my non existent readers :)

I always seem to be at concerts. A few weeks ago I was at the Def Leppard, Motley Crüe and Steel Panther gig which -apart from Def Leppard- was pretty awesome. Tonight I will be at an AC/DC tribute act called AB/CD for the 3rd year in a row, it almost seems like tradition to go to show support for AC/DC but at the same time weep uncontrollably at the fact they will probably never come back to Scotland again as they are too old :'(

What I'm trying to say here though is I might start giving my own wee reviews of concerts I go and see. I kind of done it for AC/DC and Disturbed years ago. I probably should have done this sooner and maybe I could have wrote about Iron Maiden, KISS, Alice Cooper, Thin Lizzy, Vintage Trouble, Korn, Meatloaf, Green Day, Marilyn Manson x2 and many many more I can't remember.

Ach well, going to see Thin Lizzy in January and when the legends that are Black Sabbath grace Glasgow with their rock I shall be there. Probably the strange screaming fan girl with their names painted on my face in glitter squashed down the front.

Keep an eye out.

Monday 26 December 2011

Oooh Shiny!

Merry Christmas everyone! :D

It may be a day late but better late than never. So, What's been going on in my life...

Since I can't really remember the last time I blogged on here I will just say that being a student at university is really taking it's toll on my liver. Especially as we all see the need to celebrate even the slightest thing with a nice wee cider, or a wee night out to celebrate us failing the exam we just took.

I swear, if I had just studied for that exam I might have actually stood a chance at passing it. But Ulfric Stormcloak needed my help bringing down the empire in Skyrim and at the time that was just so much more important. I'm happy to report though that the Imperials have successfully been brought down and I have now joined the inner circle of the companions...

Skyrim is possibly the best game I have ever played.... I wish I was a high elf in real life, or even just a Mage.

Agh well, maybe in the future I can become an elf, if this Radiotherapy career doesn't work out that's what I'll do... Sorted :)

But the whole reason I have decided to come on my blog is that I got an iPad for Christmas yaaaaaay! :D it is sooo cool and shiny! My mum and dad also got me a special AC/DC Black Ice skin for it which is the shiz.

Anyhow I'm off to marry werewolf in Skyrim, in case I don't make a new blog till after the New Year I should like to wish you all a very happy New Year and it's only 360 days till the end of the world according to the Mayan calander

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Can I Be Bothered Getting Up?....No.

God I feel so lazy, I haven't left the house since Saturday!

I suppose I could say it's in preparation for going to see rock royalty at the SECC tomorrow night as the legends that are Iron Maiden are back in town!

After 5 years they have finally came back to Glasgow but I must admit, i'm a little disappointed as I have spied on their setlist from Spain and they are not doing 2 of my favourite songs. 'Bring Your Daughter to The Slaughter' and 'Run To he Hills' are not going to be heard tomorrow night :(

I am trying to persuade my father to drive us to Glasgow airport in the hope that Iron Maiden may fly their plane Flight 666 to Glasgow as I sooooo want to see it!

Actually, I think I do know why I haven't left the house since is possibly because 2 friends and I attempted a Lord of the Rings Special extended edition movie marathon on the Friday. I can proudly say that I was the last person standing so to speak and managed to pull off the all nighter.

We started watching the movies at 9:30pm on the Friday night, one friend buckled at 1:30am after watching the first film. Two of us managed to watch the 2nd film whilst feasting on Malteasers, crisps etc at 4am, but then my second friend gave up at 6:15am leaving me to watch the rest of the Return of the King by myself until it finished at 9:30am.

All I can say is I will not be doing that all nighter again! It messes with your mind...

I now truely believe that I am an elf.

Friday 17 June 2011

Wahhhhh Damn You Angus!

I have just watched AC/DC's new DVD, Live At River Plate and all it's done is make me wish that they would come back to Scotland!

I can't believe it's almost 2 years since they rocked Hampden and my god I have missed them. At least there is lots of tribute acts that can satisfy my need for rock until they may decide to tour again as Brian Johnson hasn't ruled out the possibility so...I shall hold onto that hope.

This year, however also holds a very significant time for AC/DC as on the 6th of July it would have been Bon Scott's 65th birthday if he had not sadly passed away. It's so true the saying that the good die young.

But, I have discovered something very exciting that Bon's hometown are doing. On the 6th of July for an undisclosed number of weeks, Kirriemuir's Gateway to the Glens musuem are holding a one off exhibition of Bon Scott memorabilia.

AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! I'm so excited! it only takes 3 and a half hours or so on the bus to get there so it means boarding the bus at 6 in the morning but that's not so bad to see something truely spectacular which, in all possibillity may never be seen again?

I can't wait xD hopefully by then I will have my tattoo done, a fitting tribute to AC/DC on my wrist saying 'Let There Be Rock'

All I can say is Bon Scott, here I come...

Thursday 9 June 2011

Gah! Where Has This Year Gone?

I must admit, I have not done very well in my quest to keep the Internet up to speed with the goings on in my life. I can't believe it's been a year since I was last on this site!

Once again though, quite a lot has happened in a year, as things tend to spiral uncontrollably in my life, but this time, in a good way!

Regarding my exams that I was studying for last time I posted, I passed them all with some of the best marks that the school had seen that year so they gave me a scholarship!

As well as doing great in my exams I got accepted into university to study the course I really wanted, Radiotherapy & Oncology. I have also just recently got my exam results back and have successfully passed my first year of uni and qualify for entry of my 2nd year.

Also, to top it all off I completed my Duke of Edinburgh Bronze award and I am now able to move onto my silver award.

As you can see, I've been a very busy bee!!! and I'm not done yet! Last Sunday I took part in the Race for Life and this weekend I will also be taking part in the East End 5k.

Now when I think about it though, reading through all the others posts I have done I sound like a completely different person. The past few years have been pretty tough but hopefully we've turned a corner and it's the start of something new and even better.