Thursday 9 June 2011

Gah! Where Has This Year Gone?

I must admit, I have not done very well in my quest to keep the Internet up to speed with the goings on in my life. I can't believe it's been a year since I was last on this site!

Once again though, quite a lot has happened in a year, as things tend to spiral uncontrollably in my life, but this time, in a good way!

Regarding my exams that I was studying for last time I posted, I passed them all with some of the best marks that the school had seen that year so they gave me a scholarship!

As well as doing great in my exams I got accepted into university to study the course I really wanted, Radiotherapy & Oncology. I have also just recently got my exam results back and have successfully passed my first year of uni and qualify for entry of my 2nd year.

Also, to top it all off I completed my Duke of Edinburgh Bronze award and I am now able to move onto my silver award.

As you can see, I've been a very busy bee!!! and I'm not done yet! Last Sunday I took part in the Race for Life and this weekend I will also be taking part in the East End 5k.

Now when I think about it though, reading through all the others posts I have done I sound like a completely different person. The past few years have been pretty tough but hopefully we've turned a corner and it's the start of something new and even better.

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