Tuesday 19 July 2011

Can I Be Bothered Getting Up?....No.

God I feel so lazy, I haven't left the house since Saturday!

I suppose I could say it's in preparation for going to see rock royalty at the SECC tomorrow night as the legends that are Iron Maiden are back in town!

After 5 years they have finally came back to Glasgow but I must admit, i'm a little disappointed as I have spied on their setlist from Spain and they are not doing 2 of my favourite songs. 'Bring Your Daughter to The Slaughter' and 'Run To he Hills' are not going to be heard tomorrow night :(

I am trying to persuade my father to drive us to Glasgow airport in the hope that Iron Maiden may fly their plane Flight 666 to Glasgow as I sooooo want to see it!

Actually, I think I do know why I haven't left the house since Saturday...it is possibly because 2 friends and I attempted a Lord of the Rings Special extended edition movie marathon on the Friday. I can proudly say that I was the last person standing so to speak and managed to pull off the all nighter.

We started watching the movies at 9:30pm on the Friday night, one friend buckled at 1:30am after watching the first film. Two of us managed to watch the 2nd film whilst feasting on Malteasers, crisps etc at 4am, but then my second friend gave up at 6:15am leaving me to watch the rest of the Return of the King by myself until it finished at 9:30am.

All I can say is I will not be doing that all nighter again! It messes with your mind...

I now truely believe that I am an elf.

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