Wednesday 11 April 2012

The Blog of Epic Rants

It's been a while since I've had a right good moan on this blog so I don't want any of the non existent readers to feel deprived.

As I have previously mentioned. I am at university and I thought that once you prove yourself intelligent enough and demonstrate effective people skills you are in an environment with peers just like you. The subject matter i'm studying is very patient based and dealing with vulnerable, sick people who need genuine and compassionate staff who take time to help.

So why have a group of 5 bullies within the course who clearly lack these skills been allowed to carry on their antics for so long? From nasty messages in December to trying to punch my friend and finally threatening physical violence over Facebook.

Well, now the 2 ostracised course mates have the last laugh.

With the latest incident consisting of a Facebook slogan stating, and I quote "That one person in the class you just want to smack in the face with a brick." with the reply from another bully "I can think of more than just a brick! haha." It seems they have forgotten that lecturers can actually see what messages are being exchanged.

It also seems as if they forgot that our governing body the Society of Radiographers have a policy about harassment/bullying and appropriate disciplinary actions which are to be taken should events arise. Surely they didn't forget the lecture were we all signed documents binding us to obey the rules of professional practice... no?

Oh well, I guess they must have forgotten about that. Shame the Dean of the school is getting involved now too. Such a shame...

But that is only 1 rant. 1 more to go folks!

Although I am 19 we all still consider friends who have been through near enough everything together best friends. I 'had' a best friend who was one of thee most difficult people to get along with in the world. She moaned, and slagged you off to your face, told you you looked like a man and generally just had a terrible attitude and personality.

I was this persons only friend for 8 years, I stuck by her as she got bullied in secondary, stuck by her even when I was also targeted by the bullies purely for being her friend. When in a nightclub if a guy came and started talking to me at the bar she would get insanely jealous and storm off to the toilet for no other reason than just being jealous because she wasn't getting any attention from the men.

It disgusted me, but I continued being her friend.

Well, this 'friend' suddenly got a boyfriend 2 weeks ago and has dumped me completely. After all I have done for her she's decided that getting a man in her bed is more important than a long standing friendship.

It has saddened me just how shallow this person is but you know what?

Fuck it. Once again I'll have the last laugh when the relationship ends and she can learn her lesson the hard way.

Friday 23 March 2012

It's Friday :D

I realise it's been quite a while since I've been here once again. I almost have some sort of an excuse, two weeks ago I survived staying in nursing accommodation up in Dundee and working in nine wells hospital. Well, that was an experience and I think I lost about 20 lbs with lack of food and water. Yeah, the drinking water was contaminated with White floaty things in it, it was pretty rank.

I haven't been to any concerts recently but that shall change next month when I go see the AC/DC tribute act Hells Bells once again. I love those guys, they are well awesome.

One concert I am certainly looking forward to though on the 12th of June is Tenacious D :D I have loved this band since 2nd year in secondary school, not as much as AC/DC but it's still a good love.

On Sunday I am getting my charitable side out once again and will be participating in the sports relief mile dressed as mr blobby and my friend as Noel Edmonds....I have just checked the weather forecast and Glasgow is due to be a scorching 18 degrees on sunday. I am going to melt. Oh god.

But it's all for a good cause yes? So our suffering will not be in vain, hopefully.

This is going to be a rather quick blog though as my grandad is in hospital. Sad times. I will be going to visit him now.

His kidneys are failing as is his heart and just about every other part of him as well.

I always seen to end these blogs on a cheery note, don't i?

Sunday 22 January 2012

The Boys Are Back In Town

On Thursday the 19th of January I went to go see Thin Lizzy at the Barrowlands in Glasgow and as promised, here is my opinion of the night.

I'm not going to lie though, they were pretty amazing. But to start off I should talk about their two support acts Triggerfinger and Cult.

Triggerfinger are a Belgium band and when they first walked on stage with their sharp suits and in the case of the base player a pair of sunglasses automatically everyone though 'who the he'll do these guys think they are?'. But when they started to play their music, my god they were amazing. The lead singer and guitarist of the band Ruben done things I have never seen being done to a guitar before and there was so much passion in their music. Everyone may thought at the beginning that they were a pretty lame band but by the end of their 30 minutes the whole audience was cheering. I would certainly recommend going to see them if they ever play in an area near you, they sort of have a style like Muse but don't, it's hard to explain. Go see them anyways!

The second support act was called Clutch and I had heard great things about this band, one person even said that they would blow Thin Lizzy out of the water so I was curious to see if that really was the case. Sadly, they just didn't live up to my expectations after everything I had heard abut them. I think it was purely down to the fact that they were just not my kind of music, I can't describe their style but it's almost like what System of a Down would sound like if they went Indie. A lot of the younger members of the audience really enjoyed the performance and even got a mosh pit going but the old rockers didn't really enjoy it and I was with them.

But now for the main event. Thin Lizzy.

I seen them last year at the O2 Academy and they were pretty good even though I couldn't see anything since I was in the balcony and had a seating ticket. This year I promised myself to get a decent view of the concert and somehow managed to squeeze myself right down the very front against the barrier. For me, that was exciting in itself.

They came on playing 'Are You Ready' which is a brilliant song, but Iw as very surprised that the audience didn't go absolutely mental and start jumping all over the place but that was okay, it meant I got some absolutely amazing pictures.

They played all their classics, Jailbreak, Waiting For An Alibi, Boys Are Back In Town, Black Rose and they were all pretty amazing.

It really is sad that Phil Lynott is not here anymore but Ricky Warwick does an amazing job. He doesn't try to sound like Phil but does his own twist on the songs and they still sound great.

But something quite freaky happened. Earlier on that day coming home on the train I was speaking to my friend and saying that when I went to go see Behemoth the bass player spat on me twice. At Thin Lizzy I noticed that I was getting slightly wet but was too busy watching the Damon Johnson the guitarist and Ricky Warwick. Then near the end of the concert I just happened to turn to look at the Bass player Marco Mendoza and witnessed as he spat everywhere... and it showered down on me. So that's why I was getting slightly wet...

I wasn't as bothered about being spat on by Marco because he is so cool and damn sexy on stage. So really, that could of been the highlight of my night. But it wasn't.

I caught Damon Johnsons guitar pick :D and I also met Ruben from Triggerfinger. Unfortunately a fellow fan mistook me as his girlfriend.... awkward... >.<

So, in conclusion go see Thin Lizzy and go see Triggerfinger but don't bother with Clutch unless you like proper chaos and can't understand what the singer's saying.

Sunday 1 January 2012

It's The End of the World As We Know It

Happy New Year everyone! 2012 woo!

It's the beginning of the end If you believe the Mayan calander so last night I celebrated New Year by going out clubbing with one of my oldest school friends, her sister and a few German guys?

Usually at New Year I always stay home with my mum and dad so not being with them at 12 o'clock watching Jools Holland was a little sad I guess, but I phoned them inside the girls toilet pretty much wrecked so that kind of made up for it.

We ended up in a club called Firewater which does pitchers of cocktails for £7.50 so with us making a collected kitty of £140 it's no wonder much of last night was a blur. I'm happy to report though that the music in Firewater was to my liking, plenty of Rolling Stones, T-Rex, Led Zeppelin, Meatloaf and one AC/DC song.

Unfortunately our little party encountered a drunken psycho in the ladies toilet who was hell bent on starting a fight with one of us. even though we tried to see if she was alright due to the blood pouring from her left foot. It ended up a cat fight with the oldest person in our group bitch slapping the lassie. I'm not gonna lie, she did deserve it.

Also, please remind me to never, ever have a sausage supper at 3 o'clock in the morning because I absolutely detest battered sausages and for some reason I feasted on it last night. I woke up this morning tasting nothing but grease, blehhhh!

The festivities last night though were tainted with sadness as we received a phone call at 7pm to inform us that my Great Uncle Russell had died.

He battled lung cancer in 2010 and beat it but sadly late 2011 doctors discovered that it had now metastasised to his other lung. The chemotherapy and radiotherapy was just too much and his lungs packed in. Cancer doesnt discriminate, it'll attack anybody.

But this is what I'm training to do, to become a therapeutic radiographer and help cure people of their cancer. I pray though that one day soon a cure will be found.

But until then R.I.P Uncle Russell, it was a pleasure knowing you.