Friday 23 March 2012

It's Friday :D

I realise it's been quite a while since I've been here once again. I almost have some sort of an excuse, two weeks ago I survived staying in nursing accommodation up in Dundee and working in nine wells hospital. Well, that was an experience and I think I lost about 20 lbs with lack of food and water. Yeah, the drinking water was contaminated with White floaty things in it, it was pretty rank.

I haven't been to any concerts recently but that shall change next month when I go see the AC/DC tribute act Hells Bells once again. I love those guys, they are well awesome.

One concert I am certainly looking forward to though on the 12th of June is Tenacious D :D I have loved this band since 2nd year in secondary school, not as much as AC/DC but it's still a good love.

On Sunday I am getting my charitable side out once again and will be participating in the sports relief mile dressed as mr blobby and my friend as Noel Edmonds....I have just checked the weather forecast and Glasgow is due to be a scorching 18 degrees on sunday. I am going to melt. Oh god.

But it's all for a good cause yes? So our suffering will not be in vain, hopefully.

This is going to be a rather quick blog though as my grandad is in hospital. Sad times. I will be going to visit him now.

His kidneys are failing as is his heart and just about every other part of him as well.

I always seen to end these blogs on a cheery note, don't i?

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