Sunday 1 January 2012

It's The End of the World As We Know It

Happy New Year everyone! 2012 woo!

It's the beginning of the end If you believe the Mayan calander so last night I celebrated New Year by going out clubbing with one of my oldest school friends, her sister and a few German guys?

Usually at New Year I always stay home with my mum and dad so not being with them at 12 o'clock watching Jools Holland was a little sad I guess, but I phoned them inside the girls toilet pretty much wrecked so that kind of made up for it.

We ended up in a club called Firewater which does pitchers of cocktails for £7.50 so with us making a collected kitty of £140 it's no wonder much of last night was a blur. I'm happy to report though that the music in Firewater was to my liking, plenty of Rolling Stones, T-Rex, Led Zeppelin, Meatloaf and one AC/DC song.

Unfortunately our little party encountered a drunken psycho in the ladies toilet who was hell bent on starting a fight with one of us. even though we tried to see if she was alright due to the blood pouring from her left foot. It ended up a cat fight with the oldest person in our group bitch slapping the lassie. I'm not gonna lie, she did deserve it.

Also, please remind me to never, ever have a sausage supper at 3 o'clock in the morning because I absolutely detest battered sausages and for some reason I feasted on it last night. I woke up this morning tasting nothing but grease, blehhhh!

The festivities last night though were tainted with sadness as we received a phone call at 7pm to inform us that my Great Uncle Russell had died.

He battled lung cancer in 2010 and beat it but sadly late 2011 doctors discovered that it had now metastasised to his other lung. The chemotherapy and radiotherapy was just too much and his lungs packed in. Cancer doesnt discriminate, it'll attack anybody.

But this is what I'm training to do, to become a therapeutic radiographer and help cure people of their cancer. I pray though that one day soon a cure will be found.

But until then R.I.P Uncle Russell, it was a pleasure knowing you.

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