Sunday 2 November 2008

Portal To The Unknown?

This might sound strange but just hear me out.

Over the past few months, where ever I go I always see the number's 11:11. It may be just pure coincidence, or is it a sign?

The date of me going to France is 11/11... now, come on, this surely can't be coincidence, it's surreal the amount of times I've seen those 4 digits. So I've done some research and now I'm confused.

The information I've gathered tells me I'm waiting impending doom, but other sources tell me that 11 is an angelic number. What I've also discovered is that 11:11 is the date set for the Portal for the Unknown to open.

and guess what, I just looked at the clock their. Guess what the time was?

Yup you guessed right, 11:11.

I want to know is this a sign that somethings going to happen when I'm on the plane?

Because at the moment I've put two and two together and came up with that the plane's going to go down but The Stig's will appear out of the plane toilet's and save us all...

Not that I'm complaining about that mind you....

1 comment:

The Astrology Page said...

11 is a very powerful number.; it is a master number that indicates that you are being tested in some way, usually by hidden trials, such as your emotional feelings about the trip, but that does not mean that you will attract only dire events.

We are all in a shifting phase on our planet seeing both good and bad.

I live in the US and the election is bringing up fear and doom. I have seen families break up over this election.

Compare your reaction to negative events to the act of mining gold and stirring up sludge and finding ugly little particles. You have to go through it to get to the real gold. With fear you must go through the same process. The fear is meant to be released or strained off. You don't throw out the gold, just clean it up.

If you read Linda Goodman's book, Star Signs, she writes that the 11 means that two forces must unite. The difficulty comes from the "illusion" of separation.

In my words, I say this is separtaton from Source, God, Higher Power. You don't have to walk the Earth on your own. That's the hard way.

All of us are being given guidance to look for ways to go to a higher level on our spiritual evolutionary path. Your guidance is knocking on your awareness. It always get louder, and louder, and louder, until you you pay attention and are willing to recieve love and guidance from source.

Start looking for good things, pay attention to them and appreciate them. Where you put your attention and how you work with your intention is important now. Even your desire to face your fears makes a big difference. Facing fear is one of the biggest things we can all can do right now. Don't get mental, just acknowledge and feel negative emotions.

You will pass the test by wanting the best for yourself and others, and working for it. Work is different than in the past, think of doing your work with ease and grace.

We are ending a 26,000 year cycle. For the past 13,000 years we have been asleep, now we are waking up. We are in an ascending Kali Yuga phase. Everything that happens now is more powerful and 11 becomes even more powerful on November, 11 (11/11). On 11/11 all of us can tap into this energy to help ourselves and the planet on this spiritual evolutionary path.

Good luck and good wishes