Saturday 5 June 2010

Time To Make Amends

After reading through some earlier posts, i've noticed that I whinge quite alot about school and feeling unappreciated.


Yesterday I won the Head Teachers Prize for Outstanding Contribution to the school.

Rather a shock, I must admit as I didn't think our school done those sort of prizes *rolls eyes*

So, you get £15 to spend in a bookshop so they can present it to you at the ceremony where you have the pleasure of tripping up on the 3 stairs leading up to the stage, fumbling with the wrong hand when you have to shake hands with the Head Master and then walk into the table on your way through the curtain which appears to have no enterance.

A little sad though as the bookshop didn't sell any books on 'how to play the ukulele'

I had to buy vampire books instead *shudders*