Friday 28 May 2010


I was sitting in my Physics exam today when I realised I haven't posted a blog since last year! Time sure flies when your having fun, eh?

But, to be honest, I don't really think you can call studying for the past year for exams fun. However, I am now rather sad...

Today is my last day of school ever, I have now officially left. But I didn't even have the guts to speak to the guy I like so we could keep in contact.

Damn and blast why did I have to be so nervous!?!

*takes deep breath*

I suppose though there is better, brighter things waiting for me out in the big bad world. I have to admit though, I'm absolutely terrified about going to University because, let's face it, i'm not exactly normal...

Come to think of it, the subject choices I done for my entire year of school aren't really going to help in my profession. Advanced Higher Music for Radiotherapy and Oncology?

I could sing to them I suppose....