Thursday 20 November 2008

Viva La France!

The trip to Paris was a huge success!

The plane didn't go down, the boat didn't sink, the train didn't crash, the bus never blew up. Everything went swimmingly!


Apart from it being my very first time on a plane and the woman in front of me starting to scream in French about it going to blow up and we will all be 'Mort', but besides that, yeah, it was amazing!

The whole experience of being on a plane was wonderful, see, I didn't know what to expect to be honest, the only thing I knew was that your ears will explode so you need to suck some sweeties. When the plane thundered down the runway ready for take-off, it felt like being in a super sized Bugatti Veyron or something, the acceleration is phenomenal! It certainly makes you more alert after being up since 3am.

That's another thing. I was up for 22 hours straight and I still haven't caught up with my sleep 1 week on. I'm surprised that I'm still going because I'm running on absolutely nothing, my energy's all gone, I'm spent. I'm also amazed that I managed to keep upright whilst trekking around Paris.

Champs Elysees is stunning, really, it goes on for miles, just beautiful French architecture. The shops are brilliant as well, (expensive but brilliant). The Peugeot car showroom was amazing as well, the Peugeot 4008 is stunning! I thought I was going to pee myself being so close to automotive beauty such as that. The Eiffel Tower, that's another marvel which makes you feel special standing next to it, As well as the Arc Du Triomphe, it's really cool how you get to walk underground just to get to the staircase of the Arc.

I really should have wrote this Blog last week when I could still remember what I done *rolls eyes at self*

But I took lots of pictures so if your interested, the link is here:

What would have really rounded up an already perfect day was meeting the Stig there.... or if he jumped out the plane toilet...


Sunday 2 November 2008

Portal To The Unknown?

This might sound strange but just hear me out.

Over the past few months, where ever I go I always see the number's 11:11. It may be just pure coincidence, or is it a sign?

The date of me going to France is 11/11... now, come on, this surely can't be coincidence, it's surreal the amount of times I've seen those 4 digits. So I've done some research and now I'm confused.

The information I've gathered tells me I'm waiting impending doom, but other sources tell me that 11 is an angelic number. What I've also discovered is that 11:11 is the date set for the Portal for the Unknown to open.

and guess what, I just looked at the clock their. Guess what the time was?

Yup you guessed right, 11:11.

I want to know is this a sign that somethings going to happen when I'm on the plane?

Because at the moment I've put two and two together and came up with that the plane's going to go down but The Stig's will appear out of the plane toilet's and save us all...

Not that I'm complaining about that mind you....